Sharing Session 2021
Sharing Session 2021
July 07, 2021

Working from home and meeting online have become the global new norms due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to the technology, we manage to adapt to it quickly and turn the challenges into opportunities. We get to meet our colleagues more often with the new norm instead. 

On the 28th of June 2021, we had an informal sharing session online with the sales teams from each office, including branches in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and India.

After a short catch-up, the meeting was kickstarted with an opening speech by the Chairman of JTU Pte Ltd, Mr K.S. Toon. “Come back to the basics, be sincere”, what a simple yet persuasive wake-up call for everyone from the wise man. His speech brought positivity and enlightened the audiences.

The Managing Director of JTU Pte Ltd, Mr Jack Wong also shared some thoughts. “Luckily we are having localized sales”, he commented. Yes, having teams in different locations has become a significant advantage in this situation indeed. We are delighted and grateful for holding this home ground advantage that we manage to stay connected with our customers and provide them local support whenever necessary, even amidst the pandemic.

We also invited 2 staffs to share their experiences with the rest. The session furnished attendees with the knowledge and sales strategies that allow them to outshine others in the industry.

It was a relaxed yet meaningful session. In conjunction with our company culture “Positive spirit”, the management always organizes sharing sessions like this to arouse enthusiasm or even inspire confidence in employees from time to time. (P.S. As one of the employees, I do really appreciate and enjoy this kind of open and motivational discussion with positive vibes.)

In summary, there are two important takeaways from the meeting to share: 1. The fundamental groundworks are key. 2. Teamwork and communication are the essence.

We will always strive for continuous improvement and deliver best support to our customers and partners. Let’s fight through this crisis together! Stay safe, stay strong!

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